casa vacanza

The site required, among others, five fundamental characteristics. It had to: -be responsive and bilingual. -create an etalage-site that would be both informative and attractive, yet highly navigable and easy to access. -describe the apartments, the renting process, and the services offered, but in a concise, functional manner. -offer a full range of (automatic) features for a simple management of reservations, information requests, and reviews.


Art, images, cultural events and exchanges of impressions is what this site conveys. Different sections with different functionalities and different structures are incorporated in a single frame. The different sections have an iconographic entrance, from there you go from image galleries to textual content to information in different formats.

emailmetoo – This site is currently on stand-by

Technically, this is a plain site with some basic but necessary functionalities. It’s a site that aims to inform a specific public on in-depth thoughts, technical, scientific content. As well as the other projects of my portfolio this site is a responsive site, protected from external attacks, reliable thanks to regular backups and maintance I provide.


This project involved developing and designing a simple website, with just a couple of functionalities. It is supposed to be just a way to be visible on the Internet through different digital platforms. Design and style was the main requirement, next to future maintenance and monitoring. Read more...