
I joined Stichting Babyspullen while they were in the midst of migrating from an old website to a new one in terms of design and layout. The platform being used is still WordPress, just like the previous site. Another company was responsible for designing, building, and implementing the new site, as well as handling the migration from the old site. They obviously did a great job.

However, the Stichting had a tight deadline and their internal team needed assistance in creating pages, blogs, setting up functionalities, and finding solutions for last-minute issues. Fortunately, I was able to make room in my schedule to lend a hand and speed up the process on their end.

Throughout this journey, I also offered technical assistance in translating external parties' requests and providing advice on any technical improvements or unexpected issues that cropped up.


Stichting Babyspullen

  • Coordinating changes and issues processing
  • Sparring partner by structural changes or updates
  • Managing content
  • Managing functionalities
  • Managing services
  • Technical advising